This Shines on Regardless…
This Shines on Regardless by Miriam Louisa Simons
This shines on
whether I’m in bitch mode or radiating benevolence
whether I’m depressed or enjoying equanimity
whether I’m achingly weary or frolicking tirelessly.
Full poem in Blog Post
A Poem for a Fresh Spring Block of Yoga Classes
Sanctuary by Ada Limón.
This poem speaks to me at this time of soft opening to sunlight in infinite shades of green. Ada Limón is the current Poet Laureate in the USA (I didn’t know this….), and I heard her reading this and others of her poems on the great Podcast by Krista Tippett - On Being
A Reading for this Week – John O’Donohue on Stillness
Most weeks in weekly yoga classes, I read out some prose or poetry that I love. This week was a few lines on Stillness by John O’Donohue…..