iRest Yoga Nidra - Bringing Meditation to Life 6-Week Courses in Relaxation & Meditation

For everyone either via Zoom or in my Garden Studio

**** iRest Yoga Nidra Part 1: : I will be teaching another Part 1 of the 6 week course soon - watch this space - but for now am preparing to teach Part 2 (see below)

**** iRest Yoga Nidra Part 2: Sundays 7 - 8.30pm. 25th February - 31st March 2024 (this is for people who have completed an initial 6 Week Course and are interested in learning more about iRest Yoga Nidra and in taking their practice deeper and further. I will provide more information about what to expect from this course soon)

Cost for Each Course: £100 which includes a workbook and a recording of each weekly practice to support your learning at home. For an additional fee of £30, participants can also opt for a 1-1 session with Rebecca to explore your learning in more depth (within 6 weeks of the course)

Where: The course can be attended via Zoom and I also have room for 8 people to join me in my Garden Studio in Pendeen, if you would prefer face-to-face contact.

About iRest® Yoga Nidra

From managing stress and difficult emotions to experiencing more fully the beauty of life, meditation offers a simple, powerful, and timeless practice for feeling fully alive and at peace in the world.

iRest is a practice that allows us to stay connected to peace amid the changing experiences of daily life. Most of us, typically, in day-to-day life, focus on everything that is changing and everything that needs ‘fixing’. The result is often stress and anxiety or maybe sleeplessness or simply a weary and fragmented mind. The iRest practice allows us to explore the potential for an enduring peace that is already here. iRest empowers us to feel that peace as our first-hand experience. It teaches us to live from this deep place of equanimity where our thoughts, words, and deeds naturally arise in each moment.

These 6-week courses introduce iRest® - a pro-active meditation inquiry. iRest has been developed over 40 years by Dr Richard Miller and associates and draws on the ancient tradition of Yoga Nidra (‘sleep yoga’). Yoga Nidra can be considered as a meditative heart of yoga and iRest has adapted the teachings to the conditions of modern life. Research has demonstrated how iRest, as educational technique, can effectively alleviate anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, depression, PTS and chemical dependency.

PART 1: Next Part 1 to be planned soon.

This course is for everyone - for beginners or those wanting to take their meditation further, this course invites you to go deeper in your exploration of meditation and bring the insights you gain into your everyday life. I have found that quite a few people take this course a second time so to build upon their first experience.

You can bring to this course what you want – an intrigue in meditation and/or a focus on a specific concern such as stress & anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, physical and emotional pain or wanting to experience deep rest.

Each week will focus on a different theme of the iRest® process and engage in a full practice. There will also be time to discuss particular experiences, questions and challenges.

Week 1 – Body sensing and the Inner Resource
Week 2 – The Breath, Setting Intentions and Heartfelt Desire
Week 3 – Working with Feelings and Emotions
Week 4 – Working with Thoughts and Beliefs
Week 5 – Cultivating Joy
Week 6 – From Witnessing to Awareness


Cost: £100 which includes a workbook and a recording of each weekly practice to support your learning at home. For an additional fee of £30, participants can also opt for a 1-1 session with Rebecca to explore your learning in more depth (within 6 weeks of the course)


PART 2: Sundays 7 - 8.30pm. 25th February - 31st March 2024

Via Zoom and/or in person in West Cornwall

This is a 6-week course of Self-Enquiry with an emphasis on Self Awareness and the mysteries of simply Being Alive. It is a course for anyone who has completed iRest Yoga Nidra Part 1, and who wishes to delve deeper into the teachings that inform the iRest approach to Yoga Nidra.

We will draw upon a range of meditation and relaxation practices, to initially recap some of the key principles and practices of Part 1, and to explore a direct experience of “being” – of spacious awareness -  that underlies our always present and unchanging health, resiliency, peace, well-being, and wholeness.

An ongoing invitation will be to question the following;

Who is it or What is it that is aware of sensation, of the breath, of feelings and emotions, of simply being alive?

The course will be interactive and I am especially keen to tune into what each of you find yourselves curious about? What draws you to a meditation practice? What obstacles and what freedoms do you experience?

As with iRest Part 1, what I love about this course, is the way in which our approaches to meditation and relaxation - to self-enquiry - will all be underpinned by millennia of ancient contemplative traditions, and yet are contemporary and timeless in form and in relevance.

All 6 sessions will be recorded and made available for catch-up or repeat practices. I will also provide some texts which I often return for my own practices.

Costs: £100

Dates: Sunday 25th February to Sunday 31st March. 7 – 8.30pm

Location: via Zoom and/or in person in my Garden Studio in Pendeen, TR19 7EP.

Requirements: to have completed at least one 6 week course of iRest Yoga Nidra Part 1


Feedback from previous courses

“I looked forward to coming each week. I use the breathing exercises and do short meditations which are extremely relaxing.  I am more aware of myself in the world which is interesting!.. I found it addictive! The 1:1 was really good. It was interesting to delve into your thoughts, something I hadn’t done. Thank you it was all fabulous.”

“I loved the course. The 1:1 was an excellent way to focus on the process and really allowed me to get it in a very personal and real way at my own pace with my issue …I would say it’s a unique comprehensive meditation experience that offers a range of tools that can to use to help maintain a healthy balance of perspective to respond to life”

“I enjoyed the course and found it very supportive and engaging. It was well-organised and the booklet and the emails with the sessions was so useful with the meditation at home.”

“You will not be the same person who walked in the door on the first day. You will be a better, happier, functioning you, when you walk back out”